Free Music Software: Cos&FX launches Heather, a FREE synth for Windows that looks useful.
- 2 Oscillators
- waveforms: sine, saw, ramp, triangle, pulse/square, white noise, pink noise
- 2 Low Pass Filters
- 2 free-tempo LFOS that can modulate: pitch, pulse width, filter (cutoff or resonance)
- Saturator
- Decimator/Sample Rate
- 30 presets
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"It's a VST synth that applies additive and subtractive synthesis elements to create its sounds. The two filters are very resonant and with some tweaking can be really dramatic and wacky if applied to one of the 2 LFOs. This is a good synth for cutting basses, large screechy sweeping pads, leads and scifi sound effects. For just two oscillators it can be *really* F A T." Cos&FX