Exoplug launches X Wave, a FREE waveshaper effect plugin for Windows that looks useful.
Create shapes Graphically with up to 16 points.
Two different "slope" types, curve and stairs. Curve is good for overdrive effects where as stairs can be used for bit reduction.
Up sample switch for x4 up sampling, helps to reduce any aliasing that may occur.
Basic inbuilt limiter. This will help to ensure your signal doesn't go above zero decibels.
Pre Gain knob. Increases the signal level before entering the wave shaper.
Advanced global preset manager. This preset manager stores the presets directly to your hard drive, so presets can be shared easily among multiple instances of the plugin. The presets show in an easy to navigate drop down menu.
Wet and dry knobs. Use these to mix the wave shaped signal with the original signal.
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"X Wave is an symmetric waveshaper plugin. It can be used for distortion effects as well as bit reduction." www.exoplug.net