Voxengo presents HarmoniEQ 2.0, a parametric, harmonically-enhanced equalizer effect for both Windows and Mac OS X.
- Better overall dynamic behavior
- Low-pass, high-pass and notch filters
- Real-time spectrum display with zooming
- Input signal level control
- Multi-channel support
- Multi-platform support
- Mid/side processing
- Undo/redo
- Channel routing matrix
- Preset manager
- User interface coloration
- User interface re-scaling
- Channel grouping
- Plug-in instance naming
Introductory price of USD 79.95 will be effective between July 17th, 2010, and August 17th, 2010, which is 20% off the regular price of USD 99.95.
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"HarmoniEQ is a parametric, harmonically-enhanced equalizer plug-in for professional music production applications. Harmonic enhancement HarmoniEQ applies to the sound is an inherent element of its overall sonic quality. HarmoniEQ also features dynamic equalization modes that offer you a vast palette of sound-shaping capabilities, suitable for mastering." Voxengo