Brain Control unveils Tunefish v3, a free synth for Windows.
"Tunefish is a very tiny virtual analog synthesizer. It is developed to fit into about 10kb of compressed machine code while still producing an audio quality that can compete with commercial synthesizers. This site was created to make the VSTi version of it available to the public."
- It's implemented as a VST instrument so can be used in your favorite sequencer
- It uses a spline based oscillator that can by configured very dynamically.
- Additionally to normal sine, sawtooth, triangle and pulse waveforms, it can do anything that is possible with 6 points and step/linear/spline interpolation.
- The Noise generator can produce any frequency of noise with any bandwidth
- Lowpass, Highpass, Bandpass and Notch filters are availanle
- 4 ADSRs and 4 LFOs that can be linked to pretty much any importand knob using a modulation matrix
- Supported effects are Flanger, Chorus, Distortion, Delay, Reverb, EQ and Formant
- The effects stack allows for any permutation of up to 10 effects
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Source via Music Informatory