Effect: Kuassa - basiQ / Pc / Mac / Free

Music Making Software

Kuassa launches basiQ, a free equalizer effect for both Windows and OS X.

"basiQ is an acronym for Baxandall Simulation Equalizer, a FREE 3-band equalizer plugin with photorealistic graphics from Kuassa, Inc. As the name implies, the engine are modeled after a design of classic baxandall equalizer well known for its smooth shelves and natural-sounding responses, similar to the tone control on a hi-fi systems. The simple controls allow you to shape the frequency from many sources to your needs, from opening up an air on guitar leads, adding a gentle shimmer on vocals, giving extra ‘oomph‘ on your synth basslines, or even getting more presence from your masters."

  • FREE!
  • Simple tone control with large Low, Mid, and High knobs
  • Preset Management with 12 preset slot within a single bank
  • Mono and Stereo applicable.
  • Supports up to 96 kHz Sample Rate.
  • Compact and straightforward user interface.

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Source via Music Informatory