Real leaked images of the coming phablet HTC One Max T6

HTC One Max T6

Update: HTC One max confirmed as retail name of the T6, according to +evleaks

So what have we here? Some potential real leaked photos of the coming phablet HTC One Max, code named T6.
It is rumored to have a 5.9-inch display, and from the photos of it, it looks like it has the same thin bezel as the HTC One mini.

One max T6

Here is some of the rumored specs of the HTC One Max T6 that I have already talked about before:

5.9 inch Full 1080p HD display

Snapdragon 2.3Ghz 800 processor


16GB internal storage

microSD card slot

4 megapixel Ultrapixel camera with optical image stabilization

2.1 megapixel front camera

Wifi a/b/g/n/ac

Bluetooth 4.0

3300 mAh battery

Dual Front speakers

9.4mm thick

Android 4.3 Jelly Bean

HTC Sense 5.5
