Feels good in your hand
I held the Sony Xperia Z1 in my hand for the first time during the weekend, and what a pleasure it was! It felt very good in my hand. The size feels perfect. Not big and clunky as some reviews says, maybe because I have large hands? The large bezels at the top and bottom is perfect for when holding the phone in landscape mode.
Pure quality - really classy
The backside and the sides of the phone feels expensive, and it’s a huge difference from the Xperia Z, especially the feeling of the sides. They are in pure metal now, and feels very robust. The only thing that felt a bit strange was the power button, it felt a bit small, but maybe I get used to it.
Buying ASAP
I will buy the white Xperia Z1[1] because it looks really nice, and I have never had a white phone before. It will be released this week here in Sweden, and I will buy it as soon as I can.
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