Great, now I don't need to have GDrive installed: New mobile apps for Docs, Sheets and Slides—work offline and on the go
We want to make it easier for you to quickly find, edit and create documents, spreadsheets, and presentations on the go. Starting today, you can download new, standalone mobile apps for Docs and Sheets—with Slides coming soon. Need to find a spreadsheet? Go to the Sheets app. Need to create a document? Go to the Docs app. They’re all right there at your fingertips.
This could be handy, because I don't use Google Drive, the only time I go into Google Drive is to sometimes (not so often) create an office document. Now I don't need to have Google Drive installed anymore, only the Apps I use. Nice move Google, but also one more sign that Google is spreading out all their services again instead of having them under the same roof. As it seems that they will do with Google+ too, separating Hangouts and Photos in to their own Apps.

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