This news would be disconcerting to me, personally, if it were true. I've invested uncounted hours cultivating relationships over the nearly three years of its existence. I've used the site as my full-time blogging platform, my email newsletter engine, my photo backup and editing platform. Google+ is my main home on the Internet. And it if were to suddenly go away, well, I would be vexed, to put it mildly.
Agreed, it would be catastrophic for me too if Google+ will be closed down. I have based my entire business around Google+, it's my followers, my readers, my new “RSS feed” that my readers subscribe to. It's my home on the web, and I don't want to start all over with everything I have built up on Google+. So it made me glad to read this article that Mike Elgan wrote. Personally I will still be a bit worried about this, at least until Google I/O 2014 has started. I will look closely of what Google will say about Google+ there. Hopefully they have some great news about it to announce there.
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