Create a post in Editorial from selected text in Mr. Reader | Wordius:
In particular, I wanted to make Mr. Reader’s Services and Editorial’s workflows1 take away the cutting-and-pasting pain associated with creating link posts for this blog.
In Mr. Reader, the service grabs the post title, link, author, source and any selected text, and sends the whole package to create a post in Editorial. After executing the Mr. Reader service, the post opens in Editorial where you can add any additional commentary.
This is interesting. I can't be without the Editorial for writing, and I love all the possibilities with the automated workflows. This action that send content from the RSS Reader called Mr. reader sounds really interesting. The best thing with the iOS Support for URL Schemes is that you can create your own share menu exactly how you want it. You can share exactly the content you want, formatted how you want it to be. That makes it so powerful.
Sending a Post from Mr. Reader to Editorial | da5is:
Inspired by Federico Viticci’s excellent workflows over at MacStories.net for sending a webpage from Safari to Editorial, I created similar function for Mr. Reader to export the current post to the browser in Editorial.
Here is another Mr. reader action that sends the webpage opened in Safari to the internal web browser in the app Editorial. Brilliant.
The 12 days of Google Reader: Mr. Reader | Wordius:
Below this long list of services is the ‘Add’ section, wherein you can build a service for a browser, a mail action or other apps. In ‘mail actions’, for example, you can configure templates for sending emails to other services. Evernote is provided as an example; all you have to do is add your secret Evernote email address. There’s more about creating custom mail actions in Mr. Reader’s support pages.
A great review of the advanced RSS Reader app called MR. reader. This is not just a normal RSS Reader. Trust me.
Mr. Reader And The Services Menu for iOS – MacStories:
The new generic solution allows you to build as many actions as you want, using the parameters you want, using either URL schemes from sample actions or by entering your own. In terms of iOS automation, this is the DIY version of Services: actions will appear in standard menus, but they will launch an app – they won’t display a part of an app inline (as Clark envisioned in 2010).
A great post with some examples on MR. reader actions you can create to send the content to different Apps as you want it to be. Mr. Reader sounds more and more as an app that I need to buy, even if I have stopped using RSS….
Mr. Reader 3.0 Updated for iOS 7 with Background Downloads, Reading List Support – MacStories:
Mr. Reader 3.0 retains the old version’s customizable sharing menu: with a basic knowledge of URL schemes and through variables for article titles or URLs, you can build your own Services-like menu to send feed items to any iOS app. There are no changes to this feature in Mr. Reader 3.0; a notable new sharing option is Reading List, which can receive URLs to read later without having to open Safari.
Mr. Reader is packed with features, especially when it comes to customizing how articles are displayed and can be shared through system services or third-party apps. The new version looks good on iOS 7, is faster, and can sync in the background. Mr. Reader 3.0 is available on the App Store.
Ok, I gave up and bought Mr. Reader and will start using RSS again. That's how good it seems to be. I like the URL Scheme support and the advanced Actions you can create with it. I love to automate my blogging in this way. It fits perfectly together with all my automated workflows in my Python enabled writing app Editorial.
But after I bought Mr. reader and start the app for the first time, it needs to add a RSS subscription and the only one I have is Feedly and it's down at the moment because of a DDOS attack…
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