Some people says that they want some kind of split-screen multitasking on the rumored iPad pro, but to me iOS 8 already has that. It seems that many users doesn't know that. The new incredibly advanced extensions feature adds a dual-pane in iOS. You just have to use the right advanced extensions. So it's fully possible to read and take notes at the same time without leaving what you read for example. Everything happens in the background, and you can create your own sharing workflows with apps like Drafts and Editorial. You can do photo editing directly on the photo itself while viewing it as another example.
This is the future of Apple's multitasking. It's brilliant. And I'm sure we will see more and more advanced extensions over time. It has just got started.
I can really see the potential in this. With extensions like Clips and Awesome Screenshot for example, these kind of extensions makes it so easy to create content on iOS. They really help with taking the iPad into the post-pc world. The iPad is no longer just a content consuming device anymore. Not by far.
If you can't watch the video above, then click here: iOS already have dual-pane multitasking so no need for an awkward split-screen view
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