Steve Hemmerstoffer from the French website Nowwhereelse.fr is usually a very reliable source. Very often he came over some really interesting leaks of coming Apple products.
This time he has got some images from the Chinese social network Weibo that shows one dual camera module, one single camera module and some NAND Flash memory chips. And the memory chips shows 16GB, 64GB and 256GB variants. So it looks like Apple will still keep the 16GB base model also for this years iPhone 7.. Personally I think that’s way too little nowadays.
Here is a video with the leaked dual camera module and NAND Flash Memory chips:
And it seems more and more likely that it will only be the larger iPhone 7 Plus (or iPhone 7 Pro / iPhone Pro) that will have a dual camera, and the normal smaller 4.8-inch iPhone 7 will only have a single camera module.
And as I’ve said before, a dual camera on the iPhone 7 Plus is not enough for me to upgrade this year. So if this year’s iPhone will look more or less the same as my beloved iPhone 6s Plus, then I will wait until next year before I upgrade. And according to rumors, will next years iPhone be incredible.
#iPhone7 Pro/Plus Dual Camera + 16GB/64GB/256GB NAND flash memory chip?... https://t.co/l2D8OHlaWk pic.twitter.com/eLEDK1ic4d
— Steve Hemmerstoffer (@stagueve) May 21, 2016