Once again have the very reliable French website Nowhereelse.fr come over some really interesting images. These images shows a prototype of the iPhone 7 for case makers. And the prototype clearly shows that the iPhone 7 will have 4 speakers, one in every corner. Just as its bigger brother, the iPad Pro.
Today's post by serial leaker Steven Hemmerstoffer has therefore thrown a curveball into the rumor mill, with some images apparently taken from a promotional video made by an Italian casemaker, which allegedly received a prototype iPhone 7 case in anticipation of the coming refresh in September.
And to me that actually makes sense. At least for the iPhone Pro model. It will be very useful for me because I often listen to ebooks while reading along, in apps like Voice Dream Reader. And having the iPhone on my stomach while laying in bed reading, then it covers the speakers at the bottom. So having 4 speakers, one in every corner, would solve that problem.
And the same thing at my day work, I listen at ebooks directly from the built in iPhone speakers there too, while having the iPhone at my desk.
So this makes the coming iPhone 7 interesting for me again.
Via Alleged iPhone 7 Prototype Case Leak Shows Four Separate Speakers - Mac Rumors