Review: Michael J. Sullivan - Heir of Novron (Riyria Revelations #5 & #6)

So now I've finished the book Heir of Novron (Riyria Revelations #5 & #6) by Michael J. Sullivan. The last book in the Riyria Revelations series. And I must say that I feel both happy and sad at the same time, because it's the best books I've ever read in my whole life. Seriously. So it feels sad that it's over. Now I only have the Riyria Chronicles left to read, but I'm sure it won't feel the same now, after the Heir of Novron ended.

This series has everything I want from a book. Suspense, magic, action, mystic, sorrow, monsters and of course some romance.

Michael Sullivan is simply the best author I have ever read. He is brilliant. His books are actually the only books I have to read when it comes to fantasy. I don't need anything else, and when I have read all his books, I'm sure no other fantasy book will be the same.

I can highly recommend Heir of Novron (Riyria Revelations #5 & #6), and all other books in the series. In fact, all books by Michael J. Sullivan.

I gave this book 5/5 in score.