My Reading Challenge is fulfilled

My goal this year was to read 40 books. And yesterday I added book 40 to my read list on GoodReads. So already in July, my Reading challenge was fulfilled.

The secret?

Read ebooks on your smartphone using a combination of reading with Text-To-Speech technology. If you use an app like Moon+ Reader or Apple iBooks, you can turn on TTS while you reading. The trick is to read at the same time as you listen. These apps mark the sentence that is read by TTS at the moment and move along automatically. If you do this you can read much, much faster than if you only read it. It actually works. I am a living proof of that.

So not only listen or not only reading. Do both at the same time and raise the speed up to over 2X easily. Try it. It works.

Last year I read 50 books that way. This year will be more. 40 already read.
