Why I prefer using my e-readers without front light on (except with kaleido 3 e-readers)

When I reading ebooks I prefer using my e-Readers without the Frontlight (glow light) on as often as I can. The reason is that to me that feels more natural. It feels like reading on paper. Paper books or newspapers. When I need to have frontlight on on my ebook readers, then it feels more like an LCD display and not e-ink. It feels more like reading on an iPhone or iPad. When it comes to color e-readers with Kaleido 3 displays like the Kobo Libra Color, Onyx Boox Go Color or the Bigme B751c, you need to always have the front light on because the display is so much darker because of the extra color layer on top. Of course you can be used to it if you need to use a color ebook reader. Personally I want the text as near the top of the device as possible. No layer between me and the text. That is also why I never use screen protectors on my displays.

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